

Created in 1978, this rally originally raced from Paris to Dakar via the Sahara, covering just over 10,000 km (6,200 mi). There were 182 vehicles at the starting line of the first edition, made up of 80 cars, 90 motorcycles and 12 trucks.

In 2024, the rally is still referred to as Paris-Dakar but neither starts in Paris nor ends in Dakar. This year in Saudi Arabia, 12 stages will be held over 14 days with 778 participants and 354 vehicles (motorbikes, quads, cars, light vehicles and trucks).

190 countries will broadcast images of the famous rally raid on nearly 70 TV channels. 4,200 hours of images will be shown from Saudi Arabia, with more than 500 journalists present on-site. In France, the event attracted some 17 million viewers over the course of the competition.

Thanks to its incredible reputation in the world of motor sports, this annual event is a chance to showcase the expertise of French businesses in sports events.

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Coordination of bivouac security
Orange provides solutions for live satellite broadcasting of the event for broadcasters.
Recruitment of a range of profiles