Our goals

What is an Economic Interest Group (EIG)?

In French law (Order 67-821 of 23/09/1967), an Economic Interest Group (EIG) is a legal status in its own right that “aims to facilitate the economic development of businesses by pooling human and material resources.”

Its activities must be connected to the economic activities of its members.


France Sport Expertise is chaired by Claude Revel, France’s former Ministerial Delegate for Economic Intelligence and former Senior Advisor to the French Court of Accounts. It is supported by the 14 members of its board of directors. Our EIG is directed by Paul Guiraud, who has held various directorial positions in the specialized press and government services industries.

Claude Revel,


Paul Guiraud,

Chief Executive Officer

A word from the President

Welcome to the EIG France Sport Expertise!

We live in a globalized and inter-connected world, and a world set to stay that way. In this context, the concepts of responsibility and sustainability have become essential to our economies. Sport and the values it upholds contribute to their development, as does the sports economy. France Sport Expertise’s businesses have taken on and addressed these challenges, responding with complete transparency by offering their innovations to support all cultures.

As the Interministerial Delegate for Economic Intelligence from 2013 to 2015, I understand just how important high standards are to healthy competition. I also understand the benefits offered by the universal principles of sport in a divided world and how they can help individuals make personal achievements.

When it comes to contracts, national and international purchasers will continue to seek increasingly high standards. They will also become more sensitive to personalized offerings designed around specific needs. Our members meet the needs of today while innovating to anticipate those of the future.

As conscious contributors to sustainable development, our businesses are heavily involved in questions surrounding the legacy of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. While simultaneously proving their ability to deliver services according to the highest criteria of success, they have also helped sculpt the many facets of Paris 2024’s economic, social and geostrategic legacy.

France Sport Expertise

Businesses play a key role in the sports economy, which has in turn come to play an increasingly important role in countries’ economies. Notably through their success abroad, France’s sports businesses help promote sport—a vector for economic development that supports peace, the emancipation of women and young people, general equality, the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, healthcare, education and social cohesion.

France Sport Expertise was created on 28 November 2019 at the behest of the sports economy industry, with the kind support of France’s public authorities. It is financed exclusively by its members and receives no public subsidies. Its members are chosen internally with the utmost care.

These members are world leaders in their fields, large enterprises, SMBs and VSBs providing benchmark solutions in sports economy markets. They are driven by the goal of joining forces to promote their range of expertise to the world, from sports equipment design to infrastructure management, the digital economy and the organization of major international sports events.

This coalition aims to develop the positioning of these businesses among domestic and international purchasers involved in the sports economy, major international sports events, sports federation markets and sports infrastructure markets.

They provide highly innovative solutions that offer sustainability in the face of environmental and social challenges, all while reducing costs in the context of increased challenges on all fronts in all regions of the world.

France Sport Expertise’s main fields of action:

  • Design, planning and management of projects related to major international sports events;
  • Manufacturing and distribution of sports equipment;
  • Infrastructure, networks, information technology, data management;
  • Associated services, including funding, customer journeys, communications, food & beverages, events, marketing, ticketing and security.

Contributions from the EIG

The EIG provides its support through: