Interview with Claude Revel at Tech Ethique

Interview with Claude Revel at Tech Ethique

In an interview with Tech Ethique, Claude Revel spoke about the increasing importance of data, particularly in the sports industry, in the context of online ticketing services, digital interfaces for signing up to sports events, and other services that require the input of individual and nominative data in e-sport.

The conflicts created by this mass of data pose a number of questions on how data are processed and stored, operations for which the CNIL and GDPR defines the frameworks in the European private sector. It is important to remember that once these data have been collected, the holding entity becomes their owner.

The future of data and associated sovereignty issues have opened the debate on the ethical use of this strategic information.

While digital technology’s highly competitive ecosystem has undoubtedly increased France’s standing in this industry, the development of an offering that combines technology from private businesses with the strength of public procurement—particularly in France and Europe—could help boost the country in the face of intense competition.

Read the full interview with Claude Revel