Security & surveillance

Security & surveillance

France Sport Expertise’s safety and security specialists support their clients throughout the value chain for these two areas of expertise.

They ensure events are a success thanks to their irreproachable risk management skills and their ability to offer solutions to the security challenges posed by holding large-scale events throughout the world.

    • Risk engineering
      • Support and consulting for organizers
      • Implementation of security and emergency systems
      • Training

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An expert in global security consulting, OCPR offers strategic and operational solutions for security, safety, emergency procedures and prevention. The business assists event organizers with risk engineering, and planning, implementing and steering their security plans.
We offer advanced security and surveillance solutions for your events. Our tracking solution ensures limitations on capacity are respected and participants are kept safe. Our real-time video surveillance system ensures faster response times thanks to proactive alerts.
“CESG has firmly established its position as a leading player in private security. Drawing on our renowned expertise, we ensure the protection of people, goods and information, offering the highest standards in security.